Wow, What a day !
Anthony Robbins, Stephen Pierce, Allan Pease and Dr Chiang all in a single day ! Meaty stuffs. More on this later.
While doing my Quiet Time today, I prayed to the Lord that whatever we sowed, we pray that we will reap in due season. You know what ? The meditation today was from Acts 14:17.
The NIV version says
He has not left himself without testimony; He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.
The verse speaks that God himself shows his kindness by giving us rain (water - word) from heaven and crops (fruits) in their seasons. Thus there is a cycle of sowing and reaping which we are all under. But more than that, it says in the following verses that He provides us with plenty of food (abundance) and fills our hearts with joy (joy from knowing that His kindness and love is with us).
There is a joy as we abide in Him. Don't dismay when sometimes you don't see results overnight. More importantly, let His joy be our strength !